2nd Jogja International Miniprint Biennale (JIMB) 2016
Deadline receive of works posponed until 5 April 2016.
Introduction from the Organizing Committee The second international biennale of small works on paper, the 2nd Jogja International Miniprint Biennale (abbreviated to JIMB, pronounced: Jimbe’) has entered its second cycle. This replaces the previous over-long name (International Competition-Jogja Miniprint Biennale/JMB) and it is expected that the new name will be used henceforth. Registration for the 2nd JIMB 2016 will begin on 25 December 2015 and is expected to peak between 24 May and 10 June 2016. Exhibitions and other related programs will continue through December 2016. The main exhibition will travel to several cities in Indonesia. As in the first Biennale, a year after the 2nd Biennale, in the middle of 2017, there will be an exhibition of the three first place winners. From the beginning, the mini print Biennale was planned from two perspectives: first the desire to offer a unique graphic arts forum. Second: to follow the dynamic in the current constellation of visual art. It is hoped that based on these two points JIMB will go forward into the future and always raise actual issues in the art world. The result will always be something new at every Biennale whether management, new members of the jury, Biennale and exhibition themes, and substantive opportunities regarding technical questions. Only the maximum size of the works (20cm x 20cm. unframed and 28cm.x 28cm. framed) and the print material (paper) will as far as possible remain the same. In the 2nd JIMB 2016 both the organizing committee and jury will maintain the use of conventional techniques, though with a certain amount of greater flexibility compared the first JIMB. In 2016 both collagraphs and works using stencil techniques will be eligible for selection. At the same time the theme to be considered by potential participants is “Homo Habilis; the ‘disappearance’ of the ‘noble’ or ‘glorified’ hand’ in art and declining appreciation of manual/hand skills in recent artistic work. Briefly noted: The first Biennale (1st JMB 2014) exhibited a total of 140 works by 72 printmakers from 23 countries. These were selected from 146 printmakers from 27 countries who submitted a total of 465 works It is hoped that the 2nd JIMB 2016 will attract an even more enthusiastic response from artists and the public. We await your mini print submissions. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SELECTION, 2nd JIMB 2016 REGISTRATION: -Registration of participants opens 25 December 2015 and closes 15 March 2016. -Participation is open to Indonesian and international artists who have reached their 18th birthday by 24 May 2016. - Participants should complete the online registration form in order to obtain a registration number. -The (non-refundable) administration fee for JIMB 2016 is Rp.100.000 for Indonesian participants and $30USD for international participants. -Payment of the registration fee can be made directly to the secretariat or through 1. PayPal to the account: [email protected] 2. Western Union, Money Gram or Wesel Pos Instant payable to: RIA NOVITRI N, address: Somodaran GP.III/51, Rt.02, Rw.10, Banyuraden, Yogyakarta 55293, Indonesia. Mobile phone: +62 87739315969. 3. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Katamso Branch, Yogyakarta. Swift Code: BRINIDJA. Payable to: RIA NOVITRI N. Account no: 0245-01-051511-50-3. 4. Bank Central Asia (BCA) Sudirman Branch, Yogyakarta. Swift Code: CENAIDJA. Payable to: RIA NOVITRI N. Account no: 0372432827. A copy of the transfer receipt should be uploaded at the time of online registration JURY The three-member jury, a chairperson and two members, are all well-known and well-respected artists. 1. Chairperson: Agung Kurniawan is an artist who works in a number of mediums, a curator, and gallery owner. He lives in Yogyakarta. 2. Jury member: A. Sujud Dartanto M.Si. is a curator and Indonesia Institute of The Arts (ISI), Yogyakarta lecturer. He is currently resides in Malaysia and Indonesia 3. Jury member: Drs. Andang Suprihadi MSi is a graphic artist and Indonesia Institute of The Arts (ISI), Yogyakarta) lecturer. He lives in Yogyakarta. Works: Works on paper using one of or more of the following conventional printing techniques will be considered: Relief Print (woodcut, linocut, rubber cut, mokuhanga, collagraph, relief etching, engraving), Intaglio (etching, dry-point, mezzotint, aquatint, photo intaglio, sugar print), Lithography and silk screen/serigraphy including stencil. Artist’s proofs, monotype, monoprint, hand colored works and digital print will not be considered. Works should focus on the theme “HOMO HABILIS” which is discussed in detail below Works produced from 2014 to 2016 and which were not included in JMB 2014 are eligible. Each work submitted must show the signature of the artist on each edition. A maximum of three works and two copies of each work may be submitted. Maximum size is 20cm. x 20cm. Maximum paper size is 28cm. x 28cm. The organizing committee reserves the right to reduce the size of the paper in order to fit the frames which have been prepared to display the mini-prints. THEME HOMO HABILIS Homo Habilis “Handy Man” By: Agung Kurniawan, Jury Chairman. Homo habilis was a cultured primate or proto-human; a being which walked on two legs and was the first documented proto-human to use tools. His capacity to use his brain had an impact on his ability to use his fingers and arms to make “tools”. Homo habilis was the first “human” to walk upright; with his long strong arms holding an ax. A being which glorified the hand is perhaps the most accurate term for him. In the current art environment the artist’s hands are no longer considered significant in carrying on the struggles of the soul. Art can now be made with the help of artisans, machines, or other objects and intermediaries. Thus to return to the use of hands, skilled hands, is a kind of pilgrimage or perhaps also an important turning point. Art and artists return to be faced by the situation -head to head - between biological forms and the desire to express ideas. Human artists return again to the glorified hand to regenerate their ideas. And it is printmaking that has made this possible. In the process of printmaking artists return to their basic intuitions as art workers; their capacity for skilled craft. Skill can be defined as the capacity to arrange, construct, and make objects of artistic value from raw materials. Other art forms may not be as intimate as this. Printmaking, especially work by professionals, clearly demonstrates this. It is this idea; the concept of Homo habilis, the handy man, which is the theme of the 2nd JIMB Biennale. How the artist returns to use basic intuition to create art. It will be interesting to see; the return of the glorified hand, the handy man, the final Homo Habilis. SUBMISSION The registration form must be completed and signed and included with all submissions. The form can be obtained directly from the Secretariat or downloaded at www.jogjaminiprints.com The following information must be included with each work submitted: name of artist, title of work, technique(s) used, year of producrtion. Works should be submitted unframed and without passpartout. Works should be carefully packed in order to avoid folding or bending and is the sole responsibility of the artist. The Secretariat bears no responsibility for damage occurring in transit. “PRINTED MATTER”, “NO COMERCIAL VALUE” should be written clearly on the outside of the packet or envelope and sent to the following address: Secretariat, 2nd Jogja International Miniprint Biennale (JIMB) 2016 SOMODARAN GP III/51, RT.02, RW.10, BANYURADEN, YOGYAKARTA 55293, INDONESIA. Email: [email protected] Web: www.jogjaminiprints.com Mobile: +62 81328672943 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF WORKS IS 5 APRIL 2016. ANNOUNCEMENT Works selected for inclusion in the Biennale will announced on www.jogjaminiprints.com and individual artists will contacted by email by 1 April 2016 Works not selected will be returned to the artists starting in May 2016 by post. Works selected by the jury will be included in the 2nd JIMB 2016 and will also be eligible for the following prizes Prizes The three best works will receive cash prizes in the following amounts Rp. 5.000.000 (tax 20 %) a trophy, certificate, and an opportunity to participate the 33 PRINTS exhibition to be held in 2017. Twoo additional prize winners will receive cash awards of Rp. 1.500.000 (tax 20 %) and a certificate. All finalists will receive a certificate The 2nd JIMB 2016 will be held at SANGKRING ART PROJECT Address: Nitiprayan, Rt. 01, Rw. 20, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta 55182, Indonesia. Telp: +62 274 381032, Website: www.sangkringartspace.net Exhibition dates: 24 May – 10 June 2016, 09.00 – 17.00 Opening and announcement of prizewinners 24 May 2016, 19.00 Opener by: Prof. DR.M. Dwi Marianto MFA. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the main exhibition at the Sangkring Art Project, a travelling exhibition will travel to a number of cities in Indonesia during 2016. Locations and exhibition schedule are forthcoming. The 2nd JIMB 2016 color catalogue will include images of the works as well as short bio-sketches of the artists. Each participant will receive a copy of the catalogue. Prizewinning works will become property of the Secretariat and included in the permanent collection of the planned Jogja Miniprint Museum. Works of finalists will be for sale to the public at the exhibition. The Secretariat will impose a commission of 40% on all sales. Payment for works sold will be made by the Secretariat after all activities associated with JIMB 2016 have been completed. Bank charges and courier charges will be deducted from the sale price of the work for international participants. Works not selected for inclusion in the Biennale may be included in a series of smaller exhibitions which are currently under consideration by the Secretariat; details to be announced. Works by Biennale finalists which are not sold will be returned to individual artists within three months after completion of all 2nd JIMB 2016 events. The Secretariat will provide three days accommodation from 24 to 27 May 2016 for international prizewinners as well as Indonesian prizewinners from outside Yogyakarta who wish to attend the Biennale opening and award ceremony. The decision of the jury is final. Important Dates: 25 December 2015– 15 March 2016: Registration, payment of administration fees, submission of works for selection by 2nd JIMB 2016 jury. 5 April 2016: Deadline received of works. 24 April 2016: Selection of mini prints by 2nd JIMB jury. 25 April 2016: Announcement of works selected for 2nd JIMB 2016. 24 May 2016: Opening of 2nd JIMB 2016 and announcement of prizewinners; Sangkring Art Project 24 May - 10 June 2016: 2nd JIMB 2016 exhibition; Sangkring Art Space, 09:00 – 17.00 daily. 25 May – 9 June 2016: Discussions, demonstrations, and workshops. Dates, times and venues to be announced. 10 June 2016: 2nd JIMB 2016 exhibition closes 24 May - 10 June 2016: Exhibition of "Relation in Print #2", selected works from works not selected for 2nd JIMB 2016 in Miracle Prints Space. 1 Juli 2017: Works not selected for 2nd JIMB 2016 returned to artists August – December 2016: Traveling exhibitions of works from 2nd JIMB 2016. Dates and venues to be announced. January - March 2017: Works of 2nd JIMB 2016 finalists returned to artists. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE, 2nd JIMB 2016. Advisors: dr. Oei Hong Djien, Dr. Melani Setiawan, Jerry Chamberland Organization: TERAS Print Studio Operational Support: TERAS Management Supporting Venue: Sangkring Art Project Director: Syahrizal Pahlevi Operational Manager: Ria Novitri N Treasurer: Tina Wahyuningsih Public Relations: Ida Fitri Media Relations: Nunuk Ambarwati Data Base: RMS Sponsorship: TERAS Management Graphic Design/Publication: Kasih Hartono, Eldeath English Translation: Jerry Chamberland, The Dreamer Display, Equipment, Event, Transportation: Team TERAS |
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